Welcome to my website!
My name is John, and I want to help You be You. How am I going to do that you might ask? Well, I really don’t know. What I do know, is that it seems to be an ongoing journey, not a destination. I would like to encourage you to:
- Believe in yourself and your potential.
- Belong to a community of caring, like-minded people.
- Become a better person, professionally and personally.
I feel like I’m beginning a new adventure, but really it’s just a new website. This quest to make a difference really started when I was a kid. Then when my wife and I got married we decided to give it a name. We launched UBU Enterprises in the early 90s to help You be You. Our feeling was that we all have so much more potential than we realize, and we wanted to help people realize their full potential.
In 1997 our focus shifted to Web Design and Online Marketing and our tagline became “Focusing on creative strategies that let you be you.”
In 2012 we shifted our focus back on how we could help individuals live a more fulfilling life. We are still building websites and helping companies with their online marketing, but our focus has changed back to individuals. We have a plan in motion and in future blog posts I’ll dig into this topic deeper.
Feel free to start a dialog with me by commenting on a post, or contacting me directly.