What are redox signaling molecules, and why should you care?
In layman’s terms, redox signaling molecules are messengers produced by your cells. They are busy within your body right now, detecting cell damage, weakness, or dysfunction. In proper balance, redox signaling molecules detect cellular problems and work to correct them, protecting and rejuvenating our cells. Which in turn improves our overall health and ability to recover from daily wear and tear, and illness.
I like to think of these molecules as peace keepers within the body. Supporting proper balance, or homeostasis, as they help in regulating inflammation and oxidation. In my experience this has allowed my immune system to really thrive.
Acting as messengers both inside and outside the cell, redox molecules travel to and from mitochondria helping to regulate cell function.
Redox signaling molecules also help to direct the conversion of food into ATP energy at the cellular level. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is considered by biologists to be the energy currency of life. It is the high-energy molecule that stores the energy we need to do just about everything we do.
Proper balance is critical
Starting in our early teens we begin to produce less of these vital molecules. As a result we begin to experience a breakdown of cellular efficiency. It’s called aging! As we age and our bodies face stress from lifestyle and environmental factors, redox signaling molecule levels decline. A healthy baby is born with 100% cell efficiency, while the average 70 year old has only 10% cellular efficiency. As fewer cellular messengers are sent, the body’s natural ability to detect and repair problems declines as well.
All of our health problems are due to cells that are unable to maintain a healthy REDOX balance. Aging, poor diet, mental stress, poor hydration, and inadequate exercise set the stage for this imbalance, which advances the pace of aging (as well as illness).
To summarize
Redox signaling molecules are crucial messengers that help protect cells, rejuvenate them, and keep them functioning at optimum levels in the body. In order to heal you need materials and you need labor. Materials are supplied by nutrition, and labor comes from redox signaling molecules. I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “You are what you eat.” More importantly, you are what you absorb. Read how RSMs help with that absorption here »
So what can we do to maximize our redox balance
- Sleep 7 to 8 hours each night.
- Eat a plant-based diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
- Make strenuous interval training, cardiovascular and strength building exercise part of your daily life.
- Compliment your diet with a redox supplement.
- Drink half your body weight in ounces of water daily.
Is there a redox supplement?
Why yes, there is! Up until now the supplementation of the vital redox signaling molecules was considered impossible! But then came ASEA Cellular Health. ASEA Redox Supplement (liquid) and RENU 28 Skin Revitalizing Gel.
ASEA Redox Supplement is quite possibly the most powerful health technology on the planet … and has the potential to change the lives of people you love and care about in a very profound way. ASEA goes beyond nutrition and ingredients and impacts the cells at a depth no other supplement has ever come close to achieving. With ASEA we go beyond “all natural” and now have a supplement that is “native” to your body. As such, ASEA demonstrates ZERO levels of toxicity even when consumed at very high levels and is perhaps the safest health supplement ever created.
Learn how ASEA Redox activates genetic pathways and restores communication within the body »
The Redox Breakthrough
For more information on redox signaling molecules and their role in our bodies, visit TheRedoxDoc.com.
For more information on ASEA Redox Supplement.
For more information on RENU 28 Skin Revitalizing Gel.